Dec 29, 2009

If you are reading this today...

...then what the hell are you doing here? Congratulations on finding this blog so early, though. You're probably a psychic or something.

More likely you found this post by following a link from the front page, because this is supposed to be an introductory post and an explanation. Please notice that I'm not a native english speaker and therefore I may use odd word choices and frases and a mixture of american english and british english(of that you may thank the school system where we were taught mostly british english, while everywhere else being subjected mostly to american english). My grammar and spelling should mostly be good, though.

First the explanation. The introduction stuff isn't really important, after all. This blog is a recording of a new world, which has existed in my head for a while in one form or another. It also records the stories I'm going to set in the world. My eventual purpose is to write, and possibly even publish(in some form) a novel based on the setting. The blog's main function is to force me to write down my thoughts and ideas, so that I'll actually make some progress. Edit: Originally there were some promises related to regular posts. It just isn't happening. At the moment I have two posts half-written and no idea when I'll have another complete post. So let's just say that I'll post about once a week. That way the posts will be more complete and longer. I'll eventually get around to posting other things too and perhaps even make regular weekly(or monthly) features for the blog. You'll just have to wait a while

What, exactly, is Lightless? It's a world where the side of Light is the side of evil. It's a world where the evil Lightfriends are the equivalent of todays terrorists. It's a world where humanity has escaped the Sun and is now living in magnificent cavern cities. Lightless begun one day when, inspired mostly by Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time, I thought "why is the side of light always the side of good? Why not the other way around?" The idea of light being the side of evil lead to other implications which lead to Lightless.

Now that the explanation is out of the way, let's get to the introduction. I am a man of many guises and even now I'm unsure whether to reveal my real name(something which I have done in the internet so few times that I can count them with fingers of one hand). For now, you shall know me as DreamSeeker, although since you are here, you probably know me by at least one other nickname already(in fact, you might even know my real name). I am a twenty-year-old soon to be math student in the University of Helsinki(starting January 18th). I'm native finnish, born in Helsinki, and my hobbies include surfing in the tubes, poker, playing classical guitar and reading and writing. I also try to excersize by at least walking a few kilometers every day.

My taste in literature consists mostly of fantasy with occasional scifi and horror dropped in. I listen a lot of music, mostly metal, and my current favourite genre is power metal, although that may be changing slowly.

I'm tallish with dark hair currently cut short(I really miss my long hair, but I had to cut it off) and green eyes. I usually have a few days of beard growth and I have a lean frame.

About ads:(I realize this might not be the best place to talk about them, but it's linked from the front page) I realize many of you probably use ad-blocking software like AdBlock Plus(I use it myself in most sites), but I do my best to weed irritating and out of place ads(there has been lots of Bible related ads which I've removed, for example. I try to be pretty picky, albeit less so with text ads), so I'd appreciate if you turned it off in my blog. Also, if you spot ads that you find particularly irritating or ads that link to malicious sites, feel free to post their urls in the comments of this post.

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