May 3, 2010


False alarm. Sorry, everyone. I still haven't come up with the motivation to finish the economy. I'm posting only because a)I happened to stumble upon this piece I'd forgotten I ever wrote(how that happened is a mystery, since it's only less than a year old) and b)at this point I pretty much have to post something or admit to defeat as far as the blog is concerned. Oh well, here I go.

A life not unlike that of a mayfly, just a flash of light within an eternity of darkness. Yet a kiss lasting another eternity to end it. Or maybe it's the same eternity: a twilight turning into darkness during an eternity of not quite change. A loss of life or a loss of soul? Perhaps both or neither. Or both and neither: the loss and rebirth of both without knowing what changed, it's hard to be sure.

The first taste, the taste unlike any other: sweet as sugar yet bitter, so perfect like a beauty of a sunrise. My body in an ocean of pleasure, yet my soul weeping for mercy. A container empty. My hunger both bottomless as the nightsky, yet sated. The darkness brought by the rising sun sweeps away my tears...

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